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East Granby, CT


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Studio Policies

Over 50 Years of Experience | Recreational and Competitive Classes | Classes for All Ages

Over 50 Years of Experience

Recreational and Competitive Classes

Classes for All Ages

Over 50 Years of Experience

Recreational and Competitive Classes

Classes for All Ages

This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.


This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.


Monthly tuition payments are due the first full week of every month, payable by cash, check or through Venmo. A $10 late fee will be added to any account not paid by the 10th of each month. There will be a $25 fee for any returned checks.

Call Suffield Performing Arts Center to learn more.


It is very important for all dancers to keep good attendance records. When a student is repeatedly absent, it makes it very difficult for both the teacher and the student to make up missed class time. Please call the studio or email if a class will be missed. The studio phone number is (860) 653-6665 and our email is suffperartscente@aol.com. There are no refunds for missed classes.  Any student wanting to make up a missed class, please see Miss Donna for a make up time.


Leotards and tights (any color) are best for dance class, leggings are acceptable with a tank or fitted tee. Shorts may be worn as long as knees are covered. Hair should be tied back securely away from the face.

Comp Team Attire

Team dress code is SOLID black for all classes. Leggings, sports bras, tanks and fitted t’s are fine for tap, jazz and lyrical classes. A black leotard, pink tights and hair in a SECURE bun must be worn for ballet please! A secure bun for jazz and lyrical, also, but a high pony is fine for tap.


Beginner tap shoes (Mary Jane style) and ballet shoes (pink leather) can most likely be found at Target or on Amazon for the recreational classes. For hip hop, I will get matching sneakers for the girls once we get started in the new season. Until then, any sneakers are fine. I can order jazz/lyrical shoes for anyone who needs them. Competitive Teams: I will order shoes once we determine the style/color.  Call us to learn more.


Recreational class costumes generally cost between $65 and $75 for each class (shoes and tights are not included). A non-refundable deposit of $60 per costume will be due by October 15th with the remaining balance (if any) due by January 15th. Competitive costume deposits are due by October 15th with remaining balances due December 15th . 

Class Pictures

Our picture day is held at the studio in middle to late April. Individual pictures of your favorite dancer may also be taken at that time. Prices for individual pictures will be available that day.


Our recital and dress rehearsal will be held at SUFFIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL, in early June, depending on approval by the school department. Dress rehearsal will be either on the Friday or Saturday night before the Sunday shows. We will have 2 shows on recital day. 

Class Cancellations

If classes are to be cancelled because of inclement weather conditions or for any other reason, I will send a text or email. Please make sure that I have updated information on file. Also note that a few Friday/Saturday classes may have to be rescheduled in the spring due to conflicts that may arise with our competitive teams.

Class Cancellations Holidays/Studio Closings

SPAC will be closed on all major holidays but generally stay open on Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Martin Luther King Day. We will also be closed on Halloween and December 24-January 1 for Christmas Break. We generally stay open on February school break but close for a week in April (dates to be determined).


At SPAC, we expect our students to behave properly when inside the studio. They must be respectful to parents, teachers and their peers at all times. Teachers have the right to remove any student from class that is being disruptive or behaving improperly. This includes bullying (by students or parents) of any kind. We believe that bullying is being hurtful in any way to another student, parent or teacher. If any student is being bullied/harassed by another student, please inform the child’s teacher, a warning will be given and a parent will be notified. Continued bullying may result in dismissal from the studio. All deposits and payments up to the point of dismissal are non-refundable.

Dance Teaches Respect and Dedication

Following our policies ensures a positive dance experience for all of our dancers and their families.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

(860) 653-6665

(860) 653-6665

My daughter loves this studio. We are so happy to be members of the Suffield Performing Arts Center family and that's how you feel here like family. The instructors are amazing and the other dancers and parents are great too.

- Christopher Sorrell

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Suffield Performing Arts Center

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